Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I'm sure that part of why I'm so excited about lace right now is because it's new, but this is seriously one of the most fun hobbies I've picked up. It's just so pretty! The whole process is beautiful. I love working with bobbins. So, this is what I did last night/today.

Third pricking ready to go!
Starting the pattern.

This was as far as I got last night before little miss woke up again and I decided to hit the hay. There really is a lovely rhythm to lace making. 

Almost done.

It's a porcupine!
 My son actually did the last few stitches for me. I was too excited to put it away when he got up from his nap today and he really wanted to help. He very carefully picked up the bobbin I pointed to and placed it where I showed him. It was very cute. He also wanted to play with the pins, but obviously that was not going to happen!

Kind of looks like a squid.

The second spider got a little wonky.
I wish this had turned out a little better. I think I did very well with the ground, but my second spider leaves something to be desired. I guess I need to make a lot more of them. Lace making seems to be a lot of muscle memory. 

I'm going to starch this little piece with boiled cornstarch and give it to my mother as a gift. I don't think she'll care about the screwy spider.

I don't know whether I'll work more tonight. I guess it just depends on what wins out between my excitement about lace making and my utter exhaustion from staying up too late the past two nights.

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